Thursday, December 20, 2012

Santa Responds!

Santa's letters have come in!!! I will pass them out at dismissal so you can have them and read the letter to your child. I have the original as well; we'll need to keep that secret :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Candy Grams

Happy Holidays....

The PTA will be selling Candy Grams at lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday
for 25 cents.  This is a fun way for your student to send a holiday
treat to their friends, teachers and staff.  They will be delivered on


Due to the sporatic rain and the giant mud bog (we've already had one parent towed out this morning), the Pick Up Circle will NOT be open.  You may come at the normal time to pick up your children at the classroom, or you may VOLUNTARILY come after 2:30 and sign them out at the classroom. 
If you arrive BEFORE 2:30, you will need to sign your child out in the OFFICE and get a slip.  Thank you for your patience with the rainy weather!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Recorder Concert 12/18 @ 9 am

There is going to be a concert performed by the Kindergarteners (signing) and the first graders (playing the recorder) in the multipurpose room at 9 am. Grown ups are invited to attend.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Pick up circle is closed today. Students will be able to be signed out of school beginning at 2:30 from the classroom directly. Please make sure to sign your child out. The sign out slip will be on my desk, just like yesterday. If you come before 2:30 you will need to sign your child out in the office and bring me the sign out slip.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Due to the excessive rain, the Pick Up Circle will be closed after school.  You will need to park and pick up your child at the classroom.

In order to ease the amount of traffic, you MAY VOLUNTARILY begin coming between 2:30 and 3:00. If you decide to come early---which is strictly voluntary, you will go directly to the child's classroom and sign them out there.

If you arrive BEFORE 2:30, you will have to sign them out in the office.

Thank you,
Lakeview Elementary

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Please help support Lakeview's Wellness committee. This program keeps our committee's programs running and lets our families enjoy fresh local produce. We have had great success and good feedback from the families that have already jumped on board. There is no commitment so please feel free to give it a try. We order once a month and the cost is $25 per box. They are delivered to Lakeview school on a Thursday. We must have 20 boxes ordered for the delivery. Visit the website at to see more about the program and check out the farm. If you have questions or would like to order please contact Wren Edwards @ 619-322-3013 or

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Adopt a family

Each year at the holiday season, Lakeview families adopt one of our own families needing some extra help.

This year our family has 3 children. Their ages, sizes and interests are listed below. Girl-age 2; size 2T-3T; loves baby dolls and girly stuff.

Boy-age 9; size 9 pants, boy’s Large shirts; enjoys all things sports related. He is very much an outdoor kid.

Boy-age 7; size 6-7 pants, boy’s medium shirts; enjoys arts & crafts; loves dinosaurs & “Mario” stuff.

Both boys do have DS3s would enjoy games for those.

Please bring your unwrapped items to the office no later than Monday, Dec. 19. We thank you for your generosity!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Identi kid

Hi Teachers,
Just a reminder that Ident-A-Kid will be here Thursday morning starting with kindergarten making our way up. And if you wouldn't mind having your students wear home the reminder stickers on Wednesday they should have been enclosed in the yellow envelope in which the applications were in.
Just an FYI....

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Multicultural Traditions

Hello Parents,

It is time again that I am asking for your help! We are going to be starting our Multicultural Traditions unit and I need supplies brought in please. Here is a list of what we need made or donated, you do not need to stay and volunteer, this is just a plea for supplies...

  1. Nativity Scene (1 to borrow), Italy, 12/12
  2. Gingerbread Cookies (25), Germany, 12/13
  3. Pickles (25), Germany, 12/13
  4. Small hard candies (2 large bags), Holland, 12/14
  5. Cinnamon Rolls (25), Sweden, 12/17
  6. Cornbread (25), United States, 12/19
  7. Latkes (25), Israel, 12/20
  8. PiƱata (1), Mexico, 12/21
  9. Menorah (1 to borrow) Israel, 12/20
  10. Dreidels (25 or 10), Israel, 12/20
If you could please donate one of these the students and I would be very grateful. If possible can you please reply on here to let me know what you can or cannot do? 

Thank you!

Sight Words

Here is a list of sight words that we touch on in TK, in case you wanted to work on some of them at home:


Again, as a class we just touch on these...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bored children...

If you're looking for something for your child to do there is a great website I use for some classroom materials. It is It has everything you could ever want. Have a great thanksgiving!