Tuesday, January 15, 2013


On average, we have only received 5 comforts kits per class. In case of an emergency we would like each child to have a comfort kit from home. Please go to Peachjar to view the letter if you have misplaced your copy.
Wood Shop Wizards begins tomorrow, January 16 from 1-2:00 registration is available on PEACHJAR only.
Mad Science needs 2 more participants to hold the class, it will begin on January 23rd instead of tomorrow due to low enrollment. Registration is available on PEACHJAR only.
HEARTLIGHT Aerobics classes will begin on January 30, registration is available on PEACHJAR only.
CHORUS resumes this Thursday, January 17 from 3:00 to 4:00 in the Multi Purpose room. The form is located on PEACHJAR as well.
DRUMLINE Registration will be posted on PEACHJAR some time this week.

Pizza King Fundraiser from Jan. 15 through the 17th. Flier went home last week AND on PEACHJAR.
Bike Rodeo Registration also posted on Peachjar, don't miss this great event!
Reminder NO SCHOOL for students on Jan. 21 AND Jan. 25, please mark your calendars!!
Visit the website for other upcoming holidays and important events! www.lsusd.net/lv