Hello Room 3 Families,
Your amazing children have survived testing week! The Smarter Balanced online testing was a fantastic opportunity to get a "preview" of what our new Common Core testing will be like. As expected, we experienced a few "technical challenges" but overall, I think testing went really well. All testing was completed on iPads and the kids adapted very well.
The 5th grade completed their STAR Science Testing this week. The feedback I got from the kids was that it was "soooo easy!" ;-) The fifth grade team worked hard to get them prepared so I am optimistic that they rocked it. You should be receiving their Science scores sometime this summer.
We will not receive scores for the Smarter Balanced Math & Language Arts testing. This was a pilot test that was completed for the state as "practice" for official testing next year.
There are a few upcoming dates that I would like to remind you about. We only have THREE more weeks of school and they will be busy ones! Please mark your calendar for the following upcoming events:
Tuesday, June 3rd - Festival of the Arts field trip to Lemon Crest - all grades
Thursday, June 5th - 4th grade - Gold Diggers Express Field Trip
Thursday, June 5th - 5th grade - Walking Field Trip to TDS to see "Grease" (Please let me know ASAP if you would like to chaperone!!!)
Monday, June 9th - Family Lunch Day
Friday, June 13th - 5th grade Zoo Field Trip (Please let me know ASAP if you would like to chaperone!!!)
Friday, June 13th - 4th grade Gold Rush Breakfast - (Please let me know ASAP if you help out by filling out the gold form sent home!!!)
Monday, June 16th - Splash Lab from 9:20-10:20
Tuesday, June 17th - 5th grade - Survivor 10am
Wednesday, June 18th - 5th grade - Promotion 11am (you are welcome to check your child out after
the ceremony if you so choose)
Thursday, June 19th - Field Day & End of the Year Party
Friday, June 20th - Last Day of School (12:10 Dismissal)
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. It has been a pleasure and a privilege working with you and your child this year!